We Help Companies Operationalize Strategy and Bridge the Execution Gap
Most Consulting is a Massive Sea of Fluffy Bullshit. We Do What Actually Matters.
What CEO is spending their Wednesday worried about 'collaborative enablement' or 'synergistic ecosystems'? They’re not.
We know you don't need any more nebulous thought leadership puffery. You simply need an effective way to translate your strategy and corporate messaging into action. Into something employees embrace and execute. This doesn't mean generic leadership training or complex change management methodologies.
If You're Just Looking For More "Rah-Rah", We're Not For You.
You've held those town hall sessions introducing your new strategy, only to get short-lived support.
You've held those ideation workshops,to spur innovation, only to get nothing new.
You've tried re-messaging, repackaging, and relaunching your strategy, only to do it over and over again. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. If you struggle with: Getting your organization to think and behave 'customer first,' OR Getting your front-line leaders to adopt and implement your new strategy, OR Getting your teams to shed their status quo mindsets and behaviors, we can help with that.
We Aren't Into Superficial Changes That Are the Next "Flavor-of-the-Month".
Fleeting change isn't just an annoyance to leaders and employees. It has lasting negative effects and fosters a 'wait-and-see' company culture.
If you are tired of battling strategies that don't stick,here are just a few companies we've worked with who also sought relief.
Growth Vector, Paradigm Shift, Game Changer: Buzzwords Won't Fix Things. But We Can.
We could show youlengthy case studies with fancy charts, and a 50-step proprietary process to puff up our image.
We could show you a bunch of quotes andtestimonials from our happiest clients, and fail to share the unhappy ones.
We could show you some sexy brand names like Apple, Google, or Nike, because we hired someone who used to work there once as an intern.